Christmas - The Relationship Breaker???

If there is one thing I have learned over the years it is that couples with shaky relationships tend to break up either before Christmas - or shortly after New Years.

Sometimes it might even drag out until Valentines Day, but chances are likely the relationship is over thanks to all the extra stress, expectations and sometimes even childishness when it comes to the Christmas season.

What if they don't give you a "good enough" present?

Did they not spend enough money on the gift? (Because apparently some people have monetary expectations.)

Did they not put enough thought into the gift, showing that they really know you?

What if you were expecting a lot more romance?

Did his / her parents like you? Did you like them?

And a whole mess of other things.

Christmas places so many stresses on the relationship that it is basically trial by fire to see whether the relationship can last or not. People who cannot cope well under the stress - and have childish expectations with respect to gift giving - and don't have a realistic expectation when it comes to romance, will be very disappointed if they are setting their hopes too high.

Compare Christmas with other times of the year and you see peaks of breakups 2 weeks before Christmas and 1 month after Valentines.

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