Attractive and Confident vs Ugly and Insecure

What do you look for in a romantic partner?

Someone who is attractive and confident?

Or do you prefer someone who is ugly and insecure?

Being both Ugly and Insecure are Dealbreakers for many people. It would be one thing if a person was ugly or average looking, but if they were confident about their body and didn't care what other people think then that might tick the right boxes for someone who isn't so picky.

Lots of people out there want someone who is attractive and spends a chunk of their time exercising, eating well, dieting and doing fun activities outdoors, but lets face it. Many people do not do those things as frequently as they probably should be.

Likewise, not everyone is confident.

A person could hypothetically look attractive, but be very insecure about their appearance.

Given a choice, would you rather date someone who is:

  1. Attractive, but very insecure.
  2. Average looking, with average insecurities.
  3. Ugly, but very confident in themselves.

Personally I think 2 and 3 are the best options. 2 especially.

Of course it is possible for someone to improve their appearance and also their confidence levels. People who exercise regularly, even if they are not attractive, often feel better about their appearance and consequently feel more confident.

It could be as simple as someone who goes for frequent walks and hikes, or maybe they enjoy cycling or swimming. Or maybe they enjoy sports like archery. Or maybe they are more adventurous and like doing unusual sports or weird exercises.

Seriously. There are a lot of different sports / exercises out there that boost a person's confidence levels. There is no guarantee they will make a person more attractive, but if a person has more hobbies / sports that involve exercise then it should ultimately boost their chances in finding a mate.

It is even potentially possible for you to meet the love of your life while doing one of those sports.

But ultimately, it all comes back to the Dealbreakers. If a person can reduce their Dealbreakers by becoming more confident and/or attractive then other people should be more likely to give you a fair chance at romance.